Here’s three easy steps to help you battle fleas this summer.

1) Treat your pet with a spot-on, collar, or spray. Frontline, Advantage, Adams, Bio-Spot, Sentry, and DeFlea all offer effective treatment options. However, when using a spot-on treatment remember NOT to use a regular detergent shampoo. Instead, use shampoos that won’t wash off a spot-on treatment, such as those offered by Bio-Groom and Tropiclean.

2) Treat your house using a carpet spray, powder, or fogger with an Insect Growth Regulator (IGR). Remember that fleas bite your pet and then lay eggs in carpet and bedding. Using a proper treatment schedule, you can kill the fleas in the egg and larval stages first, and then attack them 7-10 days later to ensure that none make it past the cocoon stage.

3) Treat your yard to prevent your pet from re-acquiring fleas! Most spot-on treatments take 7 -12 hours to kill the flea, so if your yard is untreated, you may see “new” fleas on your pet even after treating them. Lawn insecticide granules, such as Hi-Yield Turf Ranger or Bifen L/P, are good to put on your lawn or around your house and should be applied monthly during flea season.  BL